5 reasons to have a Web presence now


Not so long ago if you wanted to check when a movie was playing, you’d consult your local newspaper. If you wanted to find someone to remodel your bathroom, you’d open the yellow pages.

But for an increasing number of consumers, those habits are as dated as a pair of faded bell bottoms.

” Today, consumers across all age brackets use the Internet and, particularly for computer-savvy users, the Internet is the first place they’ll turn for information about a vendor.”

” The Internet offers an opportunity to introduce yourself to consumers exactly when they are searching for your business – by appearing in the major search engines. For niche businesses, the Web presents an opportunity to reach the nationwide or global community, where geographic limitations might otherwise force you out of business.”


Clearly there are numerous reasons why even the smallest of businesses can benefit
from a Web presence, but here are five key considerations :

01- Visibility:

With more and more consumers logging onto the Web to research products and services, if they are going to find your business, your business needs to be on the Web.

02- Reach:

With a Web site, you are no longer limited to a customer base that is in physical proximity to your shop. Your place of business may be in Montreal, but your customers can be in Bangkok.

03- Customer service:

When customers can log onto your Web site and easily find theinformation
they want – when they want it – their satisfaction increases.

04- Competition:

A professional looking Web site can level the playing field for smaller companies trying to compete against larger enterprises. It’s also a way to stay in the game; even if people can’t find you on the Web chances are they can find your competitors.

05- Credibility:

When you can point customers, partners, even potential employees or investors
to a Web site, it tells them you are a serious business.





Getting on the Web quickly

One concern that makes some small businesses reluctant to make the move to the Web is the need to put up a site with lots of different pages. But a Web site today can be a work in progress. At the very least you can start out with a “business card” Web site that contains very basic information about your company:

  • Name
  • Logo
  • Location
  • Contact information
  • Brief description of products and/or services

There are plenty of compelling reasons why small businesses today should have a Web presence. But with LAVALn@ute by your side, it’s difficult to come up with a reason not to.